As the nights grow longer and this year is ending, I have reflected on what my chosen profession has meant to me. It has been the fulfillment of working within our community striving for the improvement and benefit of animal and human health. It is collaborating with like-minded colleagues and team members sharing a vital role. It is the excitement of a daily challenge and the need for constant learning.
As the CCVA president I have been fortunate to collaborate with outstanding council members. This year’s fall conference was very well attended, and our banquet attendance was record-breaking. Thank you to all who participated. Your council is currently planning several continuing education and social events for 2025. Here are some dates to remember:
Our 2025 Fall conference will be at the Strathmere Country Retreat on Wednesday, October 29th and Thursday, October 30th. Our small animal program will feature Dr. Scott Weese DVM, DVSc., DipACVIM and Dr. Susan Little DVM, DABVP (Feline) respectively. Our large animal program has yet to be finalized but will include both an equine and bovine focus.
The annual CCVA Ski Trip will be at Mont Tremblant February 27th to March 1st, 2025, with accommodations at Ermitage du Lac. There will be a CE event the Thursday night.
The CCVA Curling Bonspiel will be at the Almonte Curling Club on Sunday, March 9th, 2025. Everyone is welcome to participate or observe and no previous experience is necessary.
The collegiality of our profession has provided me with warmth, wisdom, and friendship. In this stressful world we need to take advantage of this special relationship and harvest the kindness and positivity and share it with others.
Wishing you all the best during this holiday season and for 2025